Luckily, we offer premium tooth whitening services in Western North Carolina. With our array of whitening systems, our orthodontists can truly offer our patients the best services based on their needs. Call us at 828-585-6045 to schedule your tooth whitening appointment today.
BRO Offers Phillips Zoom Whitening Products
We want our patients to walk through the world with a bright, confident smile. With Phillips Zoom, our in-office teeth whitening solution, it’s never been faster, safer or simpler to whiten your teeth.
WhiteSpeed Light-Activated Whitening System
For patients who opt for in-office tooth whitening, this process can be completed within two hours and can leave your teeth looking eight times brighter! We use a light-activated gel that significantly improves and accelerates the entire whitening process. Once the gel has been applied, we use an LED accelerator to whiten your teeth in just 90 minutes to two hours.
How exactly does that work? The combination of special whitening gel and light break down the stains on your teeth without harming the underlying structure. During your appointment, we’ll complete three to four 15-minute applications. That’s the entire treatment! Afterwards, you can rinse out your mouth and enjoy a genuinely brighter smile.
You’ll even receive a set of whitening trays – if you don’t already have retainer or Invisalign® treatment trays – and whitening gel for at-home touch ups.